Virtual Festivals
Earth Day Virtual Festival
On April 22-26, 2020 Touch Mother Earth held it’s first Earth Based, Music, Mind, Body & Spirit Virtual Festival with workshops, presentations, performances, discussions, etc over the internet using Facebook Live, Zoom, YouTube, etc.
Learn how we turned this into our nonprofit mission.
Wednesday, April 22
11:00am Cheryl Glover: Touch Mother Earth Opening Ceremony:
Qigong-Connecting with Mother Earth
11:30am Dave Miller: Growing the Community Idea Panel
12:00pm Alexandra Marrero: Yin Yoga
12:30pm Katy Gaughan: Drum Prayers for the Earth
1:00pm Santha Cooke: Tour the flower and vegetable
gardens at Earth School
1:30pm Laura Marcos: Parenting Future Leaders.
2:00pm Lois Harrison: Sound the Gongs: Find your
inner quiet!
2:30pm Eileen Loria: Vibration, Reiki Energy, and
Sound Healing
3:00pm Allayah Frisch: The Calling - the crystal skulls
3:30pm Joe Resch: Magic Garden: Creating Biodiversity
in a Small Garden
4:00pm Tommy Purple Hayes: Drumming With Tommy ~
Drums From Heaven
4:30pm Krishna Keshava Das: Singing Bowl Meditation
5:00pm Benjamin Goldman: Campfire City
5:30pm John Lee Rucker Ceremonial Music for the Earth
6:00pm Makiko Rayki LOVE: Discover Power of One:
Heal Mother Earth, Heal Yourself
6:30pm Wendy RosenL Everyone’s Farm
7:00pm Swamini Shraddhananda: The Divinity of the
Three Sacred Mothers
7:30pm Pat Miller: New Moon Shamanic Drum Journey:
8:00pm Auria Gaines: Q'ero Prophecy of Golden Age +
Restoring Eden Ceremony
8:30pm RAYKI School: Crystal Cleansing Ceremony
9:00pm Blanca Beyar:Shamanism-The Connection to
Mother Earth
9:30pm Devi Ketrow: Ayurvedic Fire Ceremony for
Healing the Earth
10:00pm Jason Berube: Sacred Geometry for Life!
10:30pm Mignon Mukti: Sound Healing The sound
of love Maaa
Thursday, April 23, 2020
12:00am Fania Maria Tsakalakos: FaniaFusion Fantasy
& Flow Floodgating
1:00 am Pamela Alan: Removing Fear -
Accessing Abundance & Prosperity
6:00am Bharati Carla: Sunrise OM Continuous Chant
8:00am Shaka Georges: Muscle Tendon Changing Qigong
9:00am Jen James: VIRTUAL Stress Relief and Gentle
Yoga Workshop
9:30amJen James:Holistic Living and Working on a Budget
10:00am Tracey Bo: Vinyasa Flow
10:30am Pamela Strum: Heart Connection Meditation
11:00am Shane Shanahan: Pop Up Performance
11:30am Kerri Leblang: Heart song for hope
12:00pm Alexandra Marrero: Divine Energy healing
for the collective
12:30pm Reba Linker: The Compost Heroes: A (Mostly)
True Fable for Modern Times'
1:00pm Jenny Carrington:Earthwalking and the Call for
Radical Collaboration
1:30pm Hollis Taylor: Grief Ritual -
Gender Inclusive Ceremony
2:00pm Lois Harrison: Sound the Gongs:
Find you Inner Quiet
2:30pm Jason Berube: Embracing the Mayan Calendar
3:00pm Dave Miller & Cheryl Glover:
Belly Laughter Drum & Dance
3:30pm Jennifer Prezant: Feel Better, Heal Better.
4:00pm Laurelle Rethke: Connecting with Crystals
4:30pm Angell Deer: Andean Cosmology Altar &
Prayers in time of Great Turning
5:00pm Margarita Amrita Schwartzman: Finding Inner
Peace with Neurographica
5:30pm Angela Miele: Are you Choosing the New Earth?
What does this mean?
6:00pm Denise Zaft: Are We Receiving Guidance from
the Universe
6:30pm Cheryl Glover:
Channeled Message from the Ascended Masters
7:00pm Ryan Taylor & Dave Miller:
Sacred Healing Rhythms for the Drum with Ryan
7:30pm Audie Odum-Stellato: Herbal Allies:
Good Health through Difficult Times Herbs
8:00pm Pamela Pedrick: 3 Strategies to Lower Stress:
Double Your Energy and Boost Your Immune System 1 hour
8:30pm Donatella Moltisanti: Soul Singing Ceremony
9:00pm Karen Virues-Sanchez: Meditacion en Español
9:30pm Devi Ketrow: Ayurvedic Fire Ceremony for
Healing the Earth
10:00pm Fania Maria Tsakalakos: Faniafusion Fantasy & Flow
10:30pm Black Circle Symphony: Hub City Afro-Carib Drum
11:00pm Dana McCurdy: A Peaceful Journey:
Electronic Music
FRIDAY, April 24, 2020
12:00am Sarah Yeung: Singing Bowls Sound Healing
8:00am Walter Herres: Qigong for Health
9:00am Answer the Muse by Susan Murphy: Morning Music
9:30am Anadonis Nephilim Pestilence to Purity Belly Dance
Foundations with Ana / Ana's Covid-19 Ecstatic Dance
10:00am Pamela Pedrick, RN: 3 Strategies to Lower Stress:
Double Your Energy and Boost Your Immune System 1 hour
10:30am Audrey Rose: Kids Yoga
11:00am Irina Maryanchik: Introduction to the
Human Design System
11:30am Pamela Strum: Heart Connection Meditation
12:00pm Lois Harrison: Sound the Gongs: Find your
Inner Quiet
12:30pm Indivinity w/ Caroline Rena and Noel Neu: Music,
Meditation and Higher Vibration
1:00pm Adrianne Rowe: Nurture Your 'Sole' Promote Natural
Healing with Reflexology
1:30pm Jon Lee Rucker: Revival Music Concert
2:00pm Cheryl Glover RIFE Frequency Technology:
For a Healthy Life: Can it help now?
2:30pm Jason Berube: Embracing the Mayan Calendar
3:00pm Ines Altemose: Nia with Ines
3:30pm Alexander Hill: Men's Brotherhood
4:00pm Dave Miller: Dave's in the Kitchen Sharing
His Secret Sweet Potato Recipe
4:30pm Aychele Hill: Women's Moon Cycles and Earth
5:00pm Dana McCurdy: Drumming From Both Sides of
the Brain
5:30pm Johnathan Sellers: Piano Sound Healing
6:00pm Jonathan & Jai Meyerhoff: Something More Than This
6:30pm Maria Lodge: Reiki Infused Restorative Yoga
7:00pm Bright Hawk: Family of Fire Virtual Fire Circle
7:30pm Mirabai Moon: Cultivating Light in the Darkness,
Bhakti Yoga Kirtan Concert
8:00pm Swamini Shraddhananda: Shiva and Shakti Bhakti
8:30pm Gary Reed: Fingerstyle country blues guitarist
and singer song writer
9:00pm Jonathan England:The 5 Levels Of Consciousness
9:30pm Devi Ketrow: Ayurvedic Fire Ceremony for
Healing the Earth
10:00pm 13HANDS aka DALIEN: Ambient Chant, Sound
Meditation & Intention Setting
10:30pm Jason Berube: Punk/folk tunes for the
Dawn of the Golden Age
11:00pm Dana McCurdy: On-line Musical Collaboration
with the Acapella App: A Tutorial
Saturday April 25, 2020
12:30 am Amanda Johnson-Stewart:Clear Coding
12:00am Andre Cholmondeley: Music Performance --
Ambient Textural -Midnight Hang
6:30am Bharati Carla: Sunrise OM Continuous Chant
7:30am Ganesh Kumar:Live from India: Kanjira Basics
8:00am Shaka Georges: Tai Chi short form: muscle
changing Qigong
8:30 am Maria Lodge: Morning Movement & Meditation
9:30am Adrianne Rowe: Restorative Yoga with Yoga Nidra
10:00am Santha Cooke: Morning Movement and Meditation (3M!)
10:30am Gee Gee Holmes: Soca & Zumba Fitness
11:00am Jon Christian: True Connection. Facebook
11:30am Annette McNeil T’ai Chi Chih with Chi
Energy Works
12:00pm Arzu Mountain Spirit: The Inner Healer -
Healing With Plants
12:30pm Anadonis Nephilim: Belly Dance Class
1:00pm Frank Sturt: Drumming for Beginners
1:30pm Maria Volkova: Feng Shui.
2:00pm Camilla W: How can an empath stop harmful
energies and actually do something about it?
2:30pm Alessandra Belloni: Frame drums & tambourine style
from Southern Italy
3:00pm Reyna Dowling:Is it Spiritual Gifts or is it
3:30pm Jason Berube: Sacred Geometry for Life!
4pm Santha Cooke:Indoor Home-Grown Salad Garden
4:30pm Gypsy Funk Squad: live world confusion music
5:00pm Cheryl Glover: Psychic Surgery:
Remove Viruses from your Body
5:30pm Cheryl Glover: Light Up The Earth:
Healing the Planet & People
6:00pm Lois Harrison: Sound the Gongs: Find your
Inner Quiet
6:30pm Debra Troy: Stress Less Immune Boosting Hacks!
7:00pm Tommy Woahnow: Crash Course into Lucid Dreaming
7:30pm Inola Francisco: Meditation Dynamics.
8:00pm Swamini Shraddhananda:Yoga is Love
Documentary Screening
8:30pm Ama'zjhi Dona Ho:Violet Alchemy®Purification-
Group Cleansing
9:00pm Robin Renée: Acoustic Song and Chant
9:30pm Devi Ketrow: Ayurvedic Fire Ceremony for
Healing the Earth
10:00pm Jason Berube: Punk/folk tunes for the
Dawn of the Golden Age
10:30pm Anadonis Nephilim:Pestilence to Purity
Belly Dance
11:00pm Dana McCurdy: The Clifton Tribe: Group
Improvisations with Dana McCurdy And a
Bunch of Talented Drumming Friends
SUNDAY, April 26, 2020
12:00am Bharati Carla: Kundalini Meditation Simran
1:30 am Jay Crystall:Kultcha...!!!Original Music
performed and brief reading from "Lovesic in Kyoto"
5:30am Bharati Carla: Kundalini Meditation Simran
7:00am Windy Gancayco: Cacao Ceremony
7:30am Julia Terranova: AM Family Stretch
8:00am Garima Seth:8 Beliefs that keep people
stuck in life
8:30am Delwin Fiddler Earth Blessing -
Touch Mother Earth
9:00am Meira Findel: Kabbalah and unity with all
Spiritual paths.
9:30am Emily Turin Chi Flow At Home
10:00am Makiko Rayki LOVE:Dreaming with New Earth
10:30am Tom Vasile: Archery
11:00am Indivinity w/Caroline Rena and Noel Neu:
Music, Meditation and Higher Vibration
11:30am Wendy RosenL Everyone’s Farm
12:00pm Conny Jasper: Medicinal and Wild Mushrooms
12:30pm Barry Holmes: Barry Blues
1:00pm Joe Dapuzzo: Reiki share
1:30pm Greg Prasker: Sacred Cosmic Sound Bath
2:00pm Bright Hawk: Sunday Funday Story Time
2:30pm Nancy Schroeck:Chakra Centering with live piano
3:00pm Dave Miller: Drumming to the Beat of the Earth
3:30pm Jason Berube: Embracing the Mayan Calendar
4:00pm Donatella Moltisanti: Soul Singing Ceremony
4:30pm Anadonis Nephilim: Belly Dance Class
5:00pm Dana McCurdy: On-line Musical Collaboration
with the Acapella App: A Tutorial
5:30pm Karen Sanchez: Angels and Archangels-
Los ángeles y arcángeles in Spanish & English
6:00pm Lois Harrison: Sound the Gongs:
Find Your Inner Quiet
6:30pm Marla Leigh Goldstein: Framedrum Basics
7:00pm Cosmic Awakening to Love Saharra White-Wolf:
Lemurian Cosmic Light Language Ceremony
7:30pm Dave Miller: New Normal Discussion Group
8:00pm Arne Erickson: Kokopelli Guitar
8:30pm Melinda Love: Divine Relationships
9:00pm Deva Vidya: Ceremony & Live Concert for the
Great Awakening!
9:30pm Devi Ketrow: Ayurvedic Fire Ceremony for
Healing the Earth
10:00pm Dana McCurdy: Drum Circle Improvisation:
Drumming From Both Sides of the Brain
10:30pm Bharati Carla: Kundalini Celestial
11:00pm Cheryl Glover: Meditation, Gratitude & Healing
11:30pm Dave Miller & Cheryl Glover: Closing Ceremonies
Sponsor & Advertising Packages are much appreciated.